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Acquaintance and love in a Ukrainian way – interesting statistics

A half of Ukrainian girls every month get acquainted with several guys and 20% more – with more than five. Only every tenth polled girl states that she has no such meetings.
Most often acquaintances with new people take place at work or studies, or in the Internet – 23%. It's obvious that a virtual world doesn’t give place to a real one anymore. Approximately every fifth Ukrainian woman gets acquainted with young men in the street or in a friends’ company, in a café or a night club – there are many popular places for acquaintance. 17% answered that they get acquainted everywhere. The most popular places for acquaintances turned to be shops and gyms (3 and 2 % respectively).
But still the main problem of Ukrainian women is in that they just don’t know how or don‘t want to make the first impression on a young man. And every ninth’s of ten polled belief in love doesn’t help in practice – the majority of girls don’t make a sufficient effort thinking that it is enough to be oneself, behave naturally and smile. There are those who try to make a stranger interested in a special way – ignoring his courtesy. Fortunately, there are not many of such girls – about 1%.

Only every tenth Ukrainian woman uses a unique woman’s weapon while getting acquainted – coquetry. The same number try to attract a young man’s attention by telling interesting stories about themselves.
The polling also showed that an average number of dates comprise two days a week with most girls with new partners. And the first phrase ‘I love you’ sounds in seven weeks, it means at the 14th date.
Two dates are needed for the partners to kiss for the first time, and the first intimate contact occurs, according to the statistics, at the fourth date or in two weeks after getting acquainted. In six dates partners decide to get each other acquainted with their friends, and in six dates more (six weeks in all) a young man is introduced to girl's parents. If a couple can go through sixty dates or thirty weeks it as a rule begins to live under one roof.

At the beginning of this year a quite well-known international touristic magazine presented a rate of cities of the world where the most beautiful girls live, which was composed exceptionally on the basis of tourists’ travelling around the world impressions. The first place took the capital of Ukraine – Kiev. In the words of the edition, ‘Ukrainian women’s attractiveness just gives a thrill. It is hard to imagine that such a beauty and sexuality can exist in the real world’. In more detail

Beautiful appearance is the same Nature’s gift to a human as a talent to sing, write poems, books, paint pictures. They are given to a person not by chance but for performing a mission: to delight, to rouse a sense of beauty, to develop one’s spirituality, bring the sublime home to a person. Ukraine has the richest genofond of feminine beauty and can rightly be called a country of the most beautiful women in the world! In what cities of Ukraine do the most beautiful girls live? Read our survey

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