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Your Russian girl is much younger than you. Is it a problem?

Age difference between partners is an absolutely important factor. But does it define a harmony between partners? As far back as the beginning of previous century ‘unequal marriages' between a white-haired gentleman and a young girl were considered to be usual: they were conditioned by social reasons. However, in our days which leave for the young a much bigger freedom of a personal choice such couples aren't uncommon. What makes adult partners so attractive for young beauties and good-lookers?
According to the statistics, there are not only less uneven-aged marriages where a Russian wife could quite be her husband’s daughter. Their number exceeds constantly. The same tendency is noted with marriages where a husband is 10 years older than his couple. Though, to be fair it's worth noticing that there are several degrees less of such marriages. Such unequal unions don’t leave wider public indifferent. Public opinion handles stereotypes, and in the case of the uneven-aged marriage a stereotype attributes a young woman materialism and prudence excluding any warm feelings in relation to an ‘old man’ who is in real from 35 to 45 years old. One should admit that a stereotype appeared not from scratch: many young girls contracting marriages unequal in everything, and first of all in material sense, lay their account for solving their financial problems. Is it really so?

Not really. There exists a variety of psychological factors explaining a desire of Russian girls and women for marriage with a foreigner 10-15 and even 20 years older than them. An older partner has a wider life and sex experience. In the case of an adult man it compensates physical abilities which are growing weaker, which are admittedly not so important for a young Russian girl. A young beauty is first of all attracted by her partner’s wisdom, his position in society, which is normal. Social factors are also a component of sexual attractiveness.
A man is obviously attracted in a Russian girl with her freshness and outer beauty and also her innocence and inexperience. It is well-known than men like it when they are listened to with lips parted and eyes wide open and full of admiration. But eventually a man risks experiencing disappointment. External qualities indeed, no matter how distinguished they are, bore, and a person unwillingly concentrates on inner qualities of a partner. In the case with Russian brides the situation is absolutely not bad - as a rule a young wife combines her outer beauty and an inner fullness.
However, real love is able to overcome everything. According to the statistics of dating agencies there exist many happy couples whose age difference makes 20 years and more. That's why it's not worth considering that only a cold-blooded premeditation unites couples. Money itself isn’t able to make a person really happy. By the way, love is often born within marriages of convenience. Anyway, it is a completely different story.

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