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Sexual temperament of a Russian girls

Sexual temperament of a Russian lady is a mystery not only for foreign men but for Russians themselves. Many men are interested if it is possible to define beforehand what a woman will be in bed, hot and passionate or cold and inactive. And what does the type of a woman’s temperament depend on? Is this an inborn thing or does it change under external influence? Sexuality, passion, appeal. What will the sexual temperament of a woman be is also influenced by such factors as genetic predisposition. It means heredity, nationality and age. Inhabitants of southern regions of Russia are considered to be sexually much more active than their northern sisters.
What concerns age, sexologists say that a Russian woman begins to enjoy sex only when she is about 30-35 years old, enjoy it till 45, and then slowly lose interest in sexual games. And it is directly connected with age changes, level of estrogen in their blood. But it is necessary to remember that these are stereotypes and they don’t really mean that there are no passionate women at 50 or 17 or indifferent to sex at 30. Psychologists’ research showed that:
I. An average sexual temperament is peculiar to the majority (about 80 per cent) of Russian women. They value reliability, quality and emotions. Herewith the quantity of sex doesn’t play an essential role. It is important for them to love a man and to trust him. They are not against experiments but they never go out of their mind.
II. A low sexual temperament is peculiar to 8-10 per cent of women. They are ready to plunge into passion for only a short time. Sex has never been the main part of their life. They are from those who sublime their erotic energy to work (creativity, children upbringing etc.)
III. 10-12 per cent of girls have a strong sexual temperament. They require a regular and high quality sex and its absence can cause melancholy and depression in them. They are ready for any folly for pleasure.

There is another secret: sexuality of a Russian woman depends on what kind of a man is with her! There are often situations when a woman had several lovers and all of them were of different opinion about her. One considers her to be nearly frigid, another assures that this woman is practically a nymphomaniac. And the matter here is not so much in the woman’s temperament as in a man’s temperament, in his sexual attractiveness for this very woman. Usually women sensitively react to ‘fluids’ of a man and often adopt the manner of their partner in bed.
And if a man doesn’t show a big interest to sexual experiments, behaves frostily with a partner without attempting to diversify sex and doesn’t try to ‘reveal’ his mate’s sensitiveness , a woman with him is unlikely to show herself as a sex goddess. But there is a big probability that with another, more sensitive, tender and more hot man the same woman will come in sexual matter into blossom and establish a reputation as an incredibly passionate lover. So to a question ‘What does a temperament of a Russian woman depend on?’ the following answer can be given: ‘On her man!’

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