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next meeting with a Russian (Ukrainian) bride. Some advice.

Your first date with a Russian girl is successful, and now you must think about the next meetings, unless you liked her, and she liked you too. What to do during the future meetings and what should be avoided?
Every woman loves candy -bouquet period. During this time she is in the center for a young man, she has got frequent communication by phone, Skype or just short messages throughout the day. And here it is the main problem for the young man - do not overdo it.
In any business, and endeavor you should feel the measure, for example, it is not necessary to be overly intrusive and annoying. You should behave courteously and efficiently take care of the girl you like.
Give the girl flowers, ask exactly what she prefers, pay attention to the number, it must not be pair amount. As Russian and Ukrainian girls do not like mausoleum compositions and wreaths, "Hello, my monument" (a composition of red carnations in the shape of a triangle or diamond). Do not forget to congratulate your bride on the 8th of March, though it is International Women's Day, a large number of foreign men never heard of about it.
If she keeps saying that she watches her figure - do not give her candy, cookies, if she says that she loves sweets - on the contrary, treat your lady with something delicious.

Watch the film industry. Confine their girls to the cinema, the film s pre ask what genre she prefers.
If your lady loves theatre- visit interesting performances in a local theatre. If you've never been to the theater, for you it will be an interesting experience and a certain novelty.
Invite your future spouse to visit activities: Water Park, hiking in the mountains, caves, attractions, try to explain her that in your country rides are an integral part of the stay, both adults and children. Go to a restaurant, try a variety of cuisines of the world, do not forget to ask a girl, if she is allergic to certain food.
Walk along the promenade or the park, holding hands and dreaming of a future relationship. Rejoice every minute that you spend together. See the sights of the country in which you will have your meeting. Be creative. For example, you can visit Odessa and walk along the bridge of the lovers. Do not forget to share with your girlfriend information that there is a legend - if you walked by the hand on the bridge - in future you will also walk through life together.
Most importantly, come to the meeting in a good mood, sober and with a smile on your face. Be honest with you and your RUSSIAN girlfriend. Be yourself. If you have a bad mood – do not lose your temper, it's better just to call your bride and explain the situation, and move to a different date or time of the day.

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