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marry russian woman - How to avoid a domestic violence?

Usually the topics are considered in relation to women, when a woman acts in the role of victim, and the man is her tyrant, but today, the situation is changed. No matter the gender, domestic violence may face all of us. We are not talking about physical repressive actions, social isolation, or sexual abuse of enforcement actions. Under domestic violence, we would like to consider the financial constraints with detailed reporting, as well as restrictions on the freedom of choice of the person or circle of friends, the insults and the moral destruction of the individual.

For example, some women who have recently married require their husbands to stop communicating with their family, because they believe that the interests of the family in any way harass them. Also, they urge that they do not want to see in their home children from the first marriage of a spouse. In some cases, even blackmail begins, in case of disobedience - perhaps a divorce or manipulation of children. In this case, the correct pattern of behavior becomes a compromise and some changes of values of the spouses. Domestic violence may face each, despite the position in society, or the level of education. It can be avoided only through conversation and identifying clear attitudes. Eradicating it should be at the initial stage of manifestation, because domestic violence tends to progress and develop, making your family life into a living hell. Sometimes attempts to break russian women long-term relationships with elements of domestic violence can end for one of the partners in failure, in both the physical and the moral level.

Some victims of domestic violence cannot leave their partner, feeling kind of addicted to him or her, and a sense of duty. Some, for example, public people, are afraid of losing their stable position in society or exacerbate a reputation to resign themselves to their fate. A partner- tyrant strongly reinforces his leadership position: every day she brings her partner to internal tantrums and experiences, convinces insolvency and instability, and inspires to complete personal inadequacy. Home aggressor should be at the right time to put in place, do not be afraid to look into the situation, try to explain, if for many years, your relationship is no longer warm and your family a happy hard, you should consider the fact that we live one time, and all- again, should live this life with dignity, so it's easier to put up and build each his own happiness. Or, another option is for the last time to try to save your marriage. Usually all domestic aggressors low self-esteem, you need to help your partner to increase it. How to do it? Try to surround your partner with care and affection, a change of scenery, spend a weekend in a romantic place or visit a concert. Give the lady flowers and her favorite perfume, because during this time you probably know what does your woman loves. Change your image, make repairs at home, change the profession for a long time if you do not work. Look for a compromise if you value your family and want to return your old feelings. After all, your happiness is in your hands, do not forget about it.

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