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53 y/o female
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36 y/o female

Russian women like clever ones.

The main quality of an ‘ideal man’ to Russian women’s mind is intelligence. So are the results of a polling which was held by experts of Russian Academy of Sciences and Independent Institute of social and national problems among 1406 women of the country, says Interfax.
36,7% of women put intelligence of a man at the first place while choosing a life partner. At the second place there is physical power and health (36%), at the third one – ability to make a fortune (34,1%), at the fourth – absence of bad habits (28,6%), at the fifth – being sure in himself (28,6%), at the sixth – faith in love (21,9%), at the seventh – a sense of humor (17,6%).
Sexuality stands at the eighths (!) place only. This quality turned out to be important for only 17% of women.
Then comes an attractive appearance of a man (15,7%), kindness (13,4%), love to children (12,7%), domesticity (9%), an outgoing personality (6,1%) and, at last, backbone (5,3%).
Every second one from the women polled declared that she has already met her love. Nearly 27% of women who haven’t yet met their life partner are sure that they will be still lucky, and for 17 %, as sociologists admit, ‘waiting for a prince is colored in some fatality’.

The role of the English language in modern Russian society is huge: it’s a working language in international companies that work in Russia. Russians use this language in their business-trips, in touristic trips, without mentioning communication in the internet and reading foreign press and literature. Dating sites aren’t an exclusion, here one can more often meet Russian women who speak English

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