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The phenomenon of Russian (or Ukraine) woman

During the centuries, there were many odes composed about Russian woman. They were admired, loved, hated and despised. They were obeyed, feared, men worshiped before them. In world`s history, Russian girls and women have always played a leading role. For example, Elizabeth I - Russian Empress, being very young, got the attention all people around her. The girl was not a first beauty of the court, but she knew how to present yourself well. With a sharp mind and excellent linguistic skills (she spoke fluently 4 languages), was able to seize the throne and proclaim herself the Empress. She was friendly, considered as a new fashion trendsetter. "Peaceful and light-hearted, she had to fight almost half of her reign, won a first strategist at the time - Frederick the Great, ... none of the reign of up to 1762 had not such lovely memories as her one."

"Elizabeth was clever and kind, but the disorderly and wayward Russian lady of the XVIII century., which according to Russian custom, was abused during her lifetime and also after her death was mourned by the Russian people." - Aleksey Tolstoy. "The History of the Russian State ..."

Read also: Characteristics of Russian women - nature and mentality

So, what is it a Russian woman? Many of the men describing the image of the modern Russian girl this way: beautiful, leggy femme, with a nice figure, with expressive blue or green eyes, well-kept, modest, kind, gentle, loving, caring, keeper of the hearth, loyal, thrifty, well educated, fairly emancipated, not aggressive, harmonious. Those men who somehow got burned fingers at least once, trying to build a relationship with a Russian woman called her venal creature, frivolous, greedy, hungry

... But you know there are a lot of people and there are a lot of their opinions. Throughout the world, most men dream of marry a Russian woman, because they believe that she is able to love and feel seriously. She is loyal and devoted. She's a wonderful mother and wife. She attracts men, she is desirable and pleasant ... that is why foreign men want to win her, because just with her they are able to build their happiness and to keep those tender feelings throughout their lives.

About differences between Ukrainian and Russian brides your can read here

20.04.2014 A few words about Slavic marriage emigration

On the edge of 80-90-ies of the previous century there appeared materials about Russian marriage emigration, mainly a female one. At the same time the first sociological researches on this topic were published. Both journalists and scientists talked about it mainly in present tense as of a phenomenon which had emerged in front of the eyes. There existed certain reasons for that: at those distant times there was a mass contracting of marriages with foreigners and our female compatriots leaving abroad. So food for thought appeared

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