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Russian Muslim women: traditions, peculiarities of upbringing and norms of behavior.

Surely, there are many differences between Russian Christians and Russian Muslims and all of them are related to a religion worshipped. Things normal for Muslims are not acceptable with Christians, and the opposite. Muslims don’t understand that a Russian girl may shout at a man. Russian women don’t understand rightlessness and obedience of Muslim ones. Every religion dictates its own norms of behavior and upbringing, but people don’t stop to be people.

In these latter days the society created an image of a not educated and crocked Muslim woman. Is it really so? In real life the difference from Christian women is only in a way of life and morals. A real Muslim is the same religious and economic woman. For her, as well as for any Russian wife the main worries are her family and home.
From all men only her husband exists for her. She tries to be the most beautiful only for him and always support him. Betrayal of a woman in Islam is punished severely. Today Muslim girls get an education together with Christian ones, but the main principles of their upbringing are left unchanged. Girls are taught to obey a husband, to be faithful and ‘clean.’ Today the majority of eastern women are not only occupied with their home but their small business as well. It can be a dolly shop or a small salon. A woman has the right to keep money she earned and spend it at her pleasure.

A Muslim woman’s appearance often evokes many questions. When she leaves her home she looks grey and plain, but at home with her husband she is always well-dresses and has a good make-up. According to the religion, it is because of love and respect to her husband. A Muslim woman has less rights than her husband does. She may be left without children in case of a divorce. However, if she wins a suit, her former husband has to keep both her and a child.
Modern Russian Muslim women are most often well-educated and interesting companions, successful not only in problems of a personal life, but in building a career as well. They are independent and sure in themselves, successful and uncompromising. However, at the same time they are beautiful, tender and very dependent on their men. Besides, not depending on religious commitment a Russian woman never forgets about the eternal values. One should keep in mind that at all times the duty of Russian women has been to inspire not only poets, but their beloved men for great achievements as well.

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