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practically every bride in Russia has a vague hope to marry a French man

The word ‘France’ itself seems so romantic to us that it feels like it breezes with fragrant coffee and croissants.
A dream of any Russian girl is in the creation of a stable family where there are healthy children, a good house, material welfare, if possible – career, and, naturally, the main thing – love and understanding between a man and a woman. However, it’s not a secret that there exist definite stereotypes, and, for example, practically every bride in Russia has a vague hope to marry a French man because French men are especially courteous, well-bred and generous.
There is a very Romantic image of France in Russia and Frenchmen are a model of a good taste for many. French men are also believed to be a model of gallantry, courtesy and romanticism. D'Artagnan, Alain Delon, Jean Reno – here is the list of French men who attract women from the whole world which can be continued endlessly. And it is no wonder that many Slavic women dream of a husband from France while recollecting these images. And, indeed, French men themselves are not against taking Russian women to wives.
Men from this country consider that Slavic women are beautiful, hearty, tolerant, well-bred and educated and they can be faithful wives and a real support for their husbands. Just for this reason in their search for a more attractive life and for a suitable marriage Russian women look for fiancés in France. Most often the way abroad for Slavic beauties lies through dating agencies.

French men value their fireside comfort very much, observe all the traditions of their family, they are tied to their children and parents, always remember about their responsibility to them. By the way, the state also pursues an active social policy aimed at help for young families. That way, when a child is born, if parents work the state provides them with a municipal subsidized housing, a handsome subsidy, and also a number of discounts for various purchases.
By the way, Russian women who married French men state that the older their choice is the more easygoing he is as he has already had an unsuccessful experience of relationship with a spoiled French woman near whom a Russian woman is a model of amiability and peacefulness. The most popular vacancies for Russian women in France are connected with service industry. A restaurant business attracts cooks, bartenders and waitresses form Russia. Housemaids who speak French can find a job in a hotel. Governesses, babysitters, housekeepers – those who wish to work with French families can find a job through agencies specializing in recruitment.
And the last thing. Somebody of sociologists said: ‘Having got rid of a necessity to participate in competition for a woman, a Russian man degraded and turned into a poor civilization misfit. On the other hand, taking part in the cruelest concurrence for a man, a Russian woman turned into something completely enchanting.’

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