In Russia there are 1000 men for 1162 women – such are the data of the official statics.
The data of population census in Russia in 2010 were used for calculation. The results turned to be dismaying. In Russia there is no big city left were 10 women could choose a husband for themselves from at least 9 men. Out of the general set comes only Makhachkala were there are 8,5 gentlemen for 10 ladies.
The worst state of affairs is in the famous city of brides - Ivanov. There are even as long as 190 lonely women for 100 lonely men! If lonely ladies don’t want to leave for Makhachkala in search of their couple the best variant is to try their luck in Surgut or Vladivostok. There is a record low correlation of lonely hearts quantity – for 100 men there are 131 women. Nearly the same is in Khabarovsk - 134 women.
And the state of affairs in Rostov reflects the situation in the whole Russia – 152 lonely women for 100 men. Probably that’s why according to the statistics 48% of Rostov women are lonely.
Only in Moscow there are more than 3 million of unmarried women in the age between 25 and 50 from the whole number of 11,1 million (it is three times more than the number of unmarried male Muscovites). And in general in Russia there are 11 million women more than men - partly due to bloody revolutions and wars which ran down the male population of the country. If you add to this the low life span of men in Russia – totally 59 years at an average unlike women having a life span of 73 years (it’s the highest difference in the whole world) the demographic misbalance will be on hand.
However, the quantity of unmarried men and women in Russia is approximately equal: 17,6 millions of unmarried girls and 17,2 millions of unmarried boys. It means that Russian women just don’t want to contract a marriage with Russian men. As a result of many circumstances. Despite the fact that the number of women in Russia is much higher than the number of men only 3% of the presidents and only 6% of politicians in the state are women. Though Russian women were always praised for their inner strength they are still expected to obey men at a workplace.
By the way, commercial deals are still often contracted after a workday, in saunas, in an absolutely men’s company. A high numerical superiority of women in comparison with men in our country is usually talked about. Really, in general for 1000 men in Russia there are 1162 women. But in the age group up to 30 there remained more men. The total numeric advantage of women appears due to the older age groups. And if in the category of 0-4 years old for 1000 boys there are 947 girls, for 1000 men older than 65 there already are more than 2000 women of the same age.
Researchers from the Iowa University found out that American men became more interested in clever and educated women, and virginity is on the last place of desirable characteristics. Research showed that while choosing a wife 36,7% of polled men put intelligence to the first place. Sexuality and beauty are considered to be a preferable qualities by 17% of polled. How clever and educated Russian women are read here.
Why do some women attract men and some repulse them? Why is it for seduction sometimes unnecessary to possess a splendid body and physical beauty, intelligence and success? And just an indiscernible charm, magnetism, inner attractiveness – properties which are hard to define and measure. And these are girls from Russia who fully have this charm. What is the secret of popularity of Russian women within men from the whole world? Read here